....another amazing appetizer recipe to try !
Appetizer Recipe Ingredients
* 1 dozen chopped ripe olives
* 2 tablespoons chopped onion
* 2 teaspoons chopped parsley
* Sage or marjoram
* 1/3 cup milk
* 2 tablespoons brown flour
* Salt to taste
* 1 tablespoon vegetable butter
Appetizer Recipe Instructions
1. Put butter, onion, parsley and savory into a small saucepan and simmer for a few moments.
2. Add the brown flour and the chopped olives and stir; then add the milk and make smooth.
3. Cut white bread into thin slices, trim off the crust, and spread lightly with vegetable butter.
4. Cover with a spread of the olive filling and lay another slice of bread over this.
5. Press together and cut into triangles.
6. Lay in an oiled baking pan, pour over it a thin cream-tomato sauce and let simmer in the oven until hot through, basting now and then with a spoon, and serve....nice and delicious ! Enjoy it for starters meals !
Olive Fillets Recipe VIDEO